You HAVE Arrived! You ARE Ready to Show Up!

EFT Radio  show

Summary: Greetings and welcome to the continuation of my FREE on-line class called EFT for Your Inner Child and Soul – the new 2015 Conscious Living Series! 2015 is the year we have all been waiting for! You have what you need to show up and I am going to use this year to show you how to do so! During 2015 we are going to apply the themes of your soul and the 7-Layer Healing Process to assist your illuminated, adult self in showing up for those wounded and shameful parts of you who have experienced gut-wrenching decisions, in both this lifetime and in lifetimes of the past. It is time and you can heal, become masterful, and whole. I look forward to your joining me today for the Overview. And Happy New Year to one and all! To take advantage of my 15-minute FREE Assessment, please call me directly at 612.710.7720.  For more information on my work and this series, please visit my website which