Create A New Relationship With Money

EFT Radio  show

Summary: One of the things I see EFT Practitioners and other Service Providers struggle with the most is not having enough income, and not having a healthy relationship with money. Did you know that you have a money identity, and that it is fueled by old beliefs that you internalized, possibly even before you were 6 years old? Your relationship with money is driving your success. Did you know that money loves attention, and it loves to be understood? When you give it attention, it grows. Yet many of us ignore the money and hope that it takes care of itself. The problem is, it doesn't. If you’re serious about creating a healthy relationship with money, join us to: Get clear on your money story and money type Find out how to master the 3 steps to becoming a money magnet Create a mindset of “money clarity” in your business I will use EFT Tapping with a special guest to clear limiting beliefs about money. Business Success Coach Judy Wolvington shows you how to build a thriving and joyful business, with all the clients and income you desire based on your unique gifts. As a Certified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner Judy skillfully teaches you the business building skills you MUST know, as well as how to market your business authentically, so you can make REAL money doing what you love. Judy would love to hear from you. If you’re ready to Unleash Your Dream Business, Judy has a FREE GIFT for you. It’s called Your Dream Biz Blueprint. To claim yours, simply visit