Episode 300: Ask Me Anything (Free)

The Project Management Podcast show

Summary: Play Now: Click to view the mosaic... Episode 300! Who would have thought back in 2005 when I bought myself a cheap Logitech desk microphone to record the first episode that this little hobby of mine would take all of us to this point here. I certainly had no such expectations. And for this 300th episode I decided to turn the tables. This is our very first “Ask Me Anything” episode. So I reached out to ten project managers who were guests previously here on the show, and I asked them to send me their question. The question could either be personal or project management related. And because I contacted ten project managers and asked each of them to send me one question I did of course end up with 15 questions. Talk about scope creep! Here are my guests and their questions: Margaret Meloni - http://melonicoaching.com/ Do you use project management in your personal life? Jack Ferraro - http://www.myprojectadvisor.com/ How has your customer/listener changed over the years? Lindsay Scott - http://www.arraspeople.co.uk/ How do you find your podcast guests? How do you keep The PM Podcast relevant? What disappoints you about project management today? Frank Saladis - http://www.linkedin.com/pub/frank-saladis/0/226/4aa What is it that makes you unique and draws people to you and the podcast? Kevin Reilly - http://krpm-training.com/ What do you consider to be the most important emerging trend that will have the biggest impact on the evolution of project management in the next 5 years. Susanne Madsen - http://www.susannemadsen.com/ What was the most memorable unforeseen event with The PM Podcast? What whast your biggest "aha" moment in project management? Mark Perry - http://www.botinternational.com/thepmopodcast.htm What are your recommendations for project managers who would like to start their own business like you have? Elizabeth Harrin - http://www.pm4girls.elizabeth-harrin.com/ What is the most surprising question that a project management student has asked you? What can a project manager do if their sponsor is never available? Craig Wilson - http://www.matincor.com/ How has Agile impacted the career of the project manager in teams and companies? Todd Williams - http://www.ecaminc.com/ What are the disconnects between the PMP exam and what your podcast listeners actually want to hear? Below are the first few pages of the transcript. The complete transcript is available to Premium subscribers only. Podcast Introduction Coming very soon to a podcast near you... :-) Above are the first few pages of the transcript. The complete transcript is available to Premium subscribers only. Please subscribe to our Premium Podcast to receive a PDF transcript.