"How to Avoid Dealing with a Jive Turkey" -Post Thanksgiving "Ask Dedan" Special

"The Dedan Tolbert Show"  show

Summary:   This time of year, we all have something to be thankful for…Unfortunately, this time of the year is also known for men playing with women’s hearts and not being appreciative of a good thing when it’s right in front of them. “The Dedan Tolbert Show” returns LIVE tonight at 9:00pm EST for our annual Post Thanksgiving Special on “How to Avoid Dealing with a Jive Turkey”. To hear us discuss exactly how to rid yourself of unappreciative men who don’t recognize your worth and find true love in 2015, call 646 200 0366 or listen LIVE online worldwide at www.dedantolbertshow.com... “REAL Radio that Matters”.