Episode 112 The Opportunist’s Guide To Leveraging The Holiday Season November 26, 2014

The Sales Playbook Podcast show

Summary: I was facilitating a discussion at an executive retreat recently and one of the participant's shared something interesting.We had been discussing the qualities of a rock star leader and they suggested that a true rock star leader see's speed bumps to opportunities while the rest of the world sees a roadblock! It made me think about sales reps that I have known who refuse to let circumstances become their excuse!For example, when one sales rep's business was challenged by a bad local economy, he saw that as an opportunity to diversify and take on more out of state clients. He ended up tripling his business!When a bald sales trainer of aspiring sales rock stars failed at promoting a local training event, he launched and online training division that quadrupled his business!But who cares about them?Perhaps there's an opportunity for you to actually leverage the holiday season this year!Listen to this week's episode and learn 4 super simple ways you can own the holiday season this year!Go ahead and listen to it . . .I triple dog dare ya! Join Us On December 3rd . . .On December 3rd, right on your computer screen, I’m going to begin sharing over 100+ sales tips to help you bring in more sales! The investment is minimal and the amount of tips you’ll get during the course can bring you to new levels of awesome!  Click here and let’s make you lethal! Perhaps it’s time to invest in yourself!For special pricing on two or more participants, email me (with the the total number you are considering) paul@yoursalesplaybook.com