Línea Abierta : Open Enrollment 2015.

Linea Abierta - English Description - Show in Spanish show

Summary: Open Enrollment 2015. This week, consumers begin to enroll in new health plans or switch plans for 2015, during a three-month period which begins November 15. National Latino groups are campaigning to boost enrollment or reenrollment of eligible Latinos during the second open season of the health insurance market exchange. Is the health insurance marketplace ready? What’s being done to get Latinos better understand and use their coverage? Experts provide tips to consumers to get a better deal. Guests: (Pre-taped audio) President Barack Obama, The White House, Washington, DC, http://www.whitehouse.gov ; Mayra Alvarez, Director, State Exchange Group, Centers for Medicare and medicaid Services, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC, www.hhs.gov ; Dr. Jane Delgado, President and Chief Executive Officer, National Alliance for Hispanic Health, Washington, DC, www.hispanichealth.org ; Brenda Cárdenas, Navigator Coordinator, Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers, Phoenix, AZ, http://www.aachc.org