Episode 373- How to Find An Investor Friendly Realtor®!

The Red Pill Investor show

Summary: How to Find an Investor Friendly Realtor®Seems easy enough doesn't it?  Then why on earth does it seem to be so hard to find a quality "investor friendly" agent in a world full of people you don't know, nor necessarily trust.  In today's episode, I cover three very important steps that you need to find the best "investor friendly" agent you can out there!.  Why is that important?  Well, first, you can get comparables easier, make MLS offers, and much more.  Believe me, the benefits of using an "Investor Friendly" Realtor® far outweigh the risks you think you take.  Get inside informationUsing The Red Pill Script Book, you will find a great guide on how to open the conversations with Realtors® to build mutually beneficial relationships!  Trust me, as a broker, wholesaler, rehabber and REO agent, I've seen every side of this problem.  This information will change the way you look at agents, your relationship to them, and how you can profit!If you liked this episode, please!  Do me a favor and pass it forward on your social media! If you do, both you and they can get a free copy of Sales Skills for Real Estate Investors!  just for taking the time!  Thanks so much!