052: Batteries, Medical Advice, Personal Advice and Electrical Q and A - The Prepper Podcast

The Prepper Podcast show

Summary: Everything from batteries to medical advice to some even more personal advice and LOTS of electrical questions.<br> Show Notes: theprepperpodcast.com/052<br> Housekeeping:<br> This is the episode that should have been the one year anniversary, If you would like to contact me and leave feedback for the show:<br> <br> * <a href="http://theprepperpodcast.com/facebook">theprepperpodcast.com/facebook</a>, <a href="http://theprepperpodcast.com/twitter">twitter</a>, <a href="http://theprepperpodcast.com/googleplus">googleplus</a><br> * Email me (ken (a) theprepperpodcast (dot) com)<br> * comments in show notes<br> * best method is to call: 978-KNOWS-IT or 978-566-9748<br> <br> JBradbury may be coming back as our news correspondent.<br> I have been asked for product reviews… so here is my first one!<br>  <br> Product Review: Tru-Spec Lightweight Pants<br>  <br> <a href="http://theprepperpodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/mens-lightweight-pants.jpg"></a><a href="http://theprepperpodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/tru-spec-lightweight-pants.jpg"></a><a href="http://theprepperpodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/tru-spec-mens-lightweight-pants.jpg"></a><a href="http://theprepperpodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/tru-spec-pants.jpg"></a><br> <a href="https://www.amazon.com/TRU-SPEC-Mens-Lightweight-24-7-32-Inch/dp/B003SG73WG/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1491978067&amp;sr=8-8&amp;keywords=tru-spec+lightweight+pants">TRU-SPEC Men’s Lightweight 24-7 Pant</a><br> <br> * Bought two pair to try<br> <br> * Charcoal and Coyote<br> <br> <br> * The material is 65% poly and 35% cotton<br> * First thing I noticed was the feel of the fabric.  It was thin but seemed extremely strong.<br> * When I put them on<br> <br> * 2 buttons<br> * Legs were too long, but hemming is an option<br> * The comfort fit slider waistband<br> <br> * No elastic or side tabs<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> * Wearing the pants<br> <br> * I could feel the strength of the reinforced knee<br> * I kept finding pockets!<br> * Comfortable in almost all weather<br> * When worn with a golf-polo, and charcoal tru-spec, I looked like law inforcement.<br> <br> * Tried them with a dinner jacket, but it didn’t work.  Black probably needed for this<br> * Besides a jacket, the charcoal could be dressed up quite a bit<br> <br> <br> * The coyote was exactly the same, but looked like a brown Carhart work pant.<br> * As I was traveling for about an hour, I placed a couple drops of water on the pant<br> <br> * Two smaller drops took about 30 minutes to get into the pant<br> * The larger drop took almost an hour<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> * I bought a pair of 5-11s for the trip as well for comparison, but I like these pants much more.<br> <br> Brian from Grand Rapids<br> <br> * Question:<br> <br> * What level of medical training do I need?  Currently first aid with aed and cpr.  Considering emt basic.  Good idea? Overkill?<br> <br> <br> * Answers:<br> <br> * The more medical training you have, the better…<br> * I just finished a few medical training seminars that you can download <a href="http://theprepperpodcast.com/firstaid">theprepperpodcast.com/firstaid</a><br> * first aid is great,<br> <br> * when you add cpr you add the ability to save lives<br> * when you add aed, you dramatically raise your chances for saving lives.  This only works if an aed is available.<br> <br> <br> * EMT-B in true practice is extremely dangerous.<br> <br> * Items that you may deal with:<br> <br> * Odd scene scenarios such as electrical failures (svc or power lines), gas explosions, exposure to hazardous chemicals<br> <br> <br> * Things you may be responsible for:<br> <br> * Assessing the situation<br> * Initial Trauma Assessment<br> * Rapid Treatment in Mass Casualty (START Method)<br> <br>