"non semper erit aestas" - Apr 29,2011

The Rifleman show

Summary: Non Semper Erit Aestas- "It will not always be summer". And it won't will it? Summer ends and then fall and then winter. And it comes faster than you think. this phrase was used to talk to folks about the fact that it will not always be summer, that the time to prepare for difficult times is right now. And I am not necessarily speaking about any kind of survival/prep in as far as your individual family surviving. I am talking about making sure the whole nation survives. Making sure that the preparing for winter analogy is being used to tell folks that the time to make sure you are doing enough to ensure the survival of your nation is not when you see the nation coming down around you, but when it is eay, or relatively so, right now. When you can actually affect the future of this nation and hopefully save it, not by arming yourself and fighting in the streets, but by making phone calls, sending emails, writing letters, going to an Appleseed and getting your friends, family, relatives, neighbors etc. to attend an event with you. By becoming an active part of the governing body of this nation.