Haste: D&D Documentary, New Star Wars RPG, D&D Digital Back Catalog

Haste - The Official Obsidian Portal Podcast show

Summary: | Episode 56 | Announcements We're back from Gencon, and we won 2 ENnies! Thank you all so much for this incredible honor, we couldn't do any of this without any of you! Speaking of you guys, there's still a comic to caption, so get on it before it's too late! (Pssst, we're throwing dice in this time.) Topics  D&D Documentary There's a new D&D documentary on the horizon and it's looking really good, they have a kickstarter up to help fund the project too (surprise!?). Micah and I aren't exactly sure why they need one though, so tune in and tell us how wrong we are! Fantasy Flight Does New Star Wars RPG Another big announcement from gencon was that there was going to be a new 3 part Star Wars RPG from Fantasy Flight. Each game will focus on a different area of the world and take place during the original 3 films. You can buy a printed copy of the beta rules right now, and there are also some rumors that there will not be a PDF available due to some conflicts with Lucas Arts. D&D Digital Products Return During the first ever Keynote Address this year at Gencon, Wizards of the Coast had many announcements, probably the most exciting one being that all of their back catalog will return digitally sometime 'next year'. This should encompass basically everything ever pubslished for D&D by TSR/WotC. Micah and I speculate a bit but mostly rejoice, what are your thoughts? Leave us a comment! Tip Corner When you’re using custom CSS for your campaigns and loading up your own custom background images (or any image for your campaign really), try and be sure to optimize the images for the web. You can do this with photoshop and other various programs by performing a web optimized save. It will help your campaign page load faster! Twitter Question(s) @Forbestay asks: with the playtest going on and my group bored with 4e should i try to start a campaign or do one shots? Music Credits | Intro: "Prelude" | Outro: "Stande Alone" | by LukHash |