Objective Versus Subjective Reality in Astrology

The Astrology Podcast show

Summary: This episode features a discussion between Ben Dykes and I on the topic of how the subjective nature of human experience sometimes creates problems when trying to view people’s lives objectively through the lens of astrology.<br> The crux of the issue is that it is sometimes difficult for people to evaluate statements that are made about the nature of their lives by astrologers because humans don’t usually view their lives with the same level of objectivity that the birth chart provides.<br> This becomes the starting point for an 80 minute discussion about this issue as well as some related topics.<br> News and Announcements<br> <br> * I recently recorded a new 8-hour lecture on how to interpret different topics in a person’s life by studying <a title="Rulers of the Houses Lecture" href="http://www.hellenisticastrology.com/courses/rulers-of-the-places-lecture/" target="_blank">the rulers of the houses in a birth chart</a>.<br> * Ben recently released a new audio workshop on using the Arabic Parts or Lots, which is <a title="Audio lectures on BenDykes.com" href="http://www.bendykes.com/audio/astrologylectures.php" target="_blank">available on his website</a>.<br> <br>  Episode Notes<br> <br> * You often can’t ask a person how a certain topic or range of topics manifests in their life because they cannot view those areas of their life objectively<br> * They can’t see how those things are unique from what happens to other people.<br> * You can’t tell a person about what the main topics of their life will revolve around for the same reason.<br> * People tend to focus on what they think their life is about, what they would like their life to be about, or what they tell themselves their life is about, rather than what it really is.<br> * Sometimes people will also misinterpret what you say.<br> * These are barriers to astrological research and consultations.<br> * The astrology is trying to talk about what the person’s life is actually about, but often the person can’t see themselves objectively.<br> * Most people also have a hard time seeing the significance of important turning points in their life.<br> * Zoller says that if the client says “no” to a delineation that they are lying.<br> * Underlying issue: astrology is more objective than people are used to.<br> * The idea of the subjective narrative that is always being revised, vs. the “objective” story of the chart and predictive techniques.<br> * Sometimes people block their recognition of true statements because it doesn’t fit with their narrative about what their lives are about.<br> * Modern notion of the chart as your mind means that the client expects statements that are always true.<br> * Lots as a way of describing external events and circumstances not directly in the native’s control: a confirmation of the external world.<br> <br> Transcript<br> A full transcript of this episode is available: <a href="http://theastrologypodcast.com/transcripts/episode-19-objective-vs-subjective-reality/" target="_blank">Episode 19 transcript</a><br> Listen to This Episode<br> You can either download this episode of the podcast as an MP3 or you can play it directly from the website by using the buttons below:<br>