PODCAST!!! The Donald Sterling fiasco, and Mike D’Antoni’s future

LandOLakers.com | Web Site of Andy and Brian Kamenetzky | The Los Angeles Lakers, NBA, and Anything  show

Summary: It’s no exaggeration that since audio of Clippers owner Donald Sterling making racist comments to his mistress was leaked to first to TMZ and then Deadspin, all hell has broken loose. Sterling was hardly a stranger to racial controversies, but being able to connect his (alleged) voice to his (not alleged) world view has raised awareness and dander to a brand new level. Safe to say, this is a mess, and everyone is waiting on pins and needles for the league to take decisive action. Oh, in the meantime, reports surfaced Friday the Lakers apparently might keep Mike D’Antoni around next season. And said reports have barely made a ripple. As the old saying goes, timing is everything. The show can be heard by clicking on the module above, and a list of talking points can be found below… * Many believe Sterling’s comments don’t just come across as racist, but “plantation” racist. We don’t disagree, although it’s worth adding “paranoid,” “disturbing” and “just plain weird” to the list of adjectives. Then again, racist attitudes often are. * I wrote about the shared blame that comes with Donald Sterling flourishing this long. The NBA deserves the biggest share of responsibility, but frankly, many parties have dropped the ball. * As Brian noted, the time for players and fans to boycott isn’t necessarily now. * Never let it be said the K Bros aren’t fair in their coverage. We do offer Sterling some respect on one count. * This incident is the latest example of how, generally speaking, a mistress is just a bad idea. And are you among the many, many, many listeners who’ve gotten down — if you know what I mean – to a K Bros podcast? * What will the punishment for Sterling be, and when/how will it be doled out? * Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Mark Heisler reports the Lakers have decided to keep Mike D’Antoni next season? If true, what would be the rationale? * Speaking of boycotts, Laker fans will threaten one if D’Antoni remains the coach? If that really happened, would it matter? * Pau Gasol said on his website that a return to the Lakers could be possible, but some changes would be needed for that to be the case. We have no idea what he’s referring to. Click above to play, or just  (http://content.blubrry.com/kambrothers/LOL_3.20_2.0_2.mp3)download the show here. Hope you enjoy it. To subscribe to the podcast via iTunes, click here. You can also find us on TuneIn.com by heading here (http://tunein.com/radio/Kamenetzky-Brothers-Land-OLakers-Podcast-p493529/). The post PODCAST!!! The Donald Sterling fiasco, and Mike D’Antoni’s future (http://landolakers.com/2014/04/29/podcast-donald-sterling-fiasco-mike-dantonis-future/) appeared first on LandOLakers.com | Web Site of Andy and Brian Kamenetzky | The Los Angeles Lakers, NBA, and Anything Else That Comes to Mind (http://landolakers.com).