PODCAST!!! Lakers coaching search, the NBA Finals, Donald’s quiz, action heroes

LandOLakers.com | Web Site of Andy and Brian Kamenetzky | The Los Angeles Lakers, NBA, and Anything  show

Summary: It’s been over a month since our last show. Then again, it’s been even longer since Mike D’Antoni resigned, and the Lakers still haven’t settled their coaching search, so really, who’s the turtle here? The show can be heard by clicking on the module, and a list of talking points can be found below. Among the high points… * We take a look at the latest headlines. Kentucky forward Julius Randle, who’s landed on many a mock draft at #7, may need foot surgery (http://espn.go.com/nba/draft2014/story/_/id/11070671/nba-executives-worried-julius-randle-improperly-healed-foot). Should this give the Lakers pause about potentially selecting him? Kevin Love sounds like he’s leaving Minnesota, whether for Los Angeles or elsewhere. Donald Sterling is hiring private eyes (and not the kind Hall and Oates sang about ) to dig up dirt on David Stern, Adam Silver, and the league’s 29 owners. Should folks be nervous? Plus, we test our mental capacity against Sterling’s! * We discuss the points recently raised by Brian regarding the Lakers’ coaching search. Is their reported insistence on an experienced coach cutting them off from potentially better options? Does it reflect an inflated and potentially dangerous perception of where the franchise currently stands? Is Kobe’s presence altering the front office’s thought process? * As of this recording, San Antonio is up 3-1 on Miami in an increasingly one-sided NBA Finals. What are the key factors for both teams’ respective success and struggles? * Brian tests my knowledge of movie action heroes. I acquitted myself well enough, but nonetheless owe Sigourney Weaver and Vin Diesel apologies after a couple of embarrassing brain cramps. The post PODCAST!!! Lakers coaching search, the NBA Finals, Donald’s quiz, action heroes (http://landolakers.com/2014/06/14/podcast-lakers-coaching-search-nba-finals-donalds-quiz-action-heroes/) appeared first on LandOLakers.com | Web Site of Andy and Brian Kamenetzky | The Los Angeles Lakers, NBA, and Anything Else That Comes to Mind (http://landolakers.com).