Guardians Of The Galaxy

The Script show

Summary: "We... are... Groot." Guardians of the Galaxy is Marvel Studios' first attempt at a tentpole Action/Comedy and if you look at the box office results, it appears to be a risk that has really paid off. Our script doctors David Negrin, Chris Durham, and Keith Miller analyze whether Marvel's foray into the extended Marvel Galactic Universe also paid off on the story level. Did the film succeed due to Chris Pratt's comedy chops, well honed on Parks & Recreation? Was it due to director James Gunn's "Avengers like" balance of his ensemble cast where everyone shines but none too bright? (then adding relentless cameos including one of our favorite ducks of all time) Or is it something deeper, something systemic, something 'shiny'-- is it Whedonism? We try to decipher the secret sauce Marvel has been feeding us that's turning the whole world into comic book fans.LISTEN to THE SCRIPT BSE: "Guardians Of The Galaxy" here on iTunes. (If you enjoy The Script podcast PLEASE POST A STAR REVIEW on iTunes)- Watch The Script BSE: Guardians of the Galaxy as a VIDEO PODCAST on Google Hangouts!- Need a Blake Snyder Beat Sheet Explanation?- Fan mail, complaints, questions, wedding proposals can be sent to ScriptFeed@gmail.comScript DoctorsDavid Negrin, Chris Durham, Keith MillerProducers, The ScriptDavid Negrin, Chris DurhamNYC Screenwriters