Ben Settle – Email Marketing Strategy For Sales Reps!

be intrepid. show

Summary: It has long been my view that most sales reps have made poor use of email strategy, not to mention blogging, as part of their sales process. So, I invited Ben Settle back to Intrepid Radio to discuss what can be done. Ben is an email specialist out of, and you can join his great mailing list there as well. SHOW NOTES: First, we cover some email basics: 1. Why you should send marketing email every day. 2. How large your mailing list should be. 3. Content, and how to generate it. 4. The whole point of blogging is to build your mailing list. Now, for the traditional sales rep: 1. "Don't break the rules of email marketing. Make your OWN rules." 2. Create your own email campaign, build your own mailing list, publish your OWN blog...because? 3. People aren't buying from the company. They are buying from you. 4. The reason most consumers don't like to talk to sales people isn't that they don't like to be sold to, it's that most sales people aren't good at what they do. 5. We talk about two ways to get movement and traction when you are pressed for end-of-month(quarter) sales, or at least getting people to do your demo when your sales managers pushes arbitrary end-of-period numbers or goals. 6. Every sales rep sends weekly "touching base" emails to their prospects, emails that are clearly buy emails hoping the prospect is ready to buy today. Ben and I talk about a better way... 7. Ben suggests, and explains, why you should follow this three-step formula: 1. Be desireless. 2. Be excellent. 3. Be gone (people pursue that which retreats...). 8. Can (and should) sales reps incorporate an autoresponder program into their sales and marketing program too... 9. Why you should treat the names in your database like friends, and not, well, like names in a database... 10. And yes, we are suggesting you create YOUR OWN mailing list, and create YOUR OWN blog. Do not rely on the corporate stuff... ### To hear from other cool people like today's guest, subscribe to my podcast on iTunes by clicking here. And, a review and customer rating would be much appreciated as well! Purchase Ben's e-Book here (affiliate link):