Spy Stuff – Part II

Nerdonomy show

Summary: Eric and Bryan continue their conversation about Espionage, though this time they focus on the tools of the trade.  Enjoy! <a href="http://www.nerdonomy.com/wp-content/uploads/102_SpyStuffPart2.m4a">Click here if the media player below has trouble loading.</a><br> <br> Photo Credit: Top left: Aerial photographs of <a style="color: #0b0080;" title="Schlosshotel Kronberg" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schlosshotel_Kronberg">Schlosshotel Kronberg</a>. Bottom left and center: <a style="color: #0b0080;" title="Frankfurt" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankfurt">Frankfurt</a>. Right: Pigeons fitted with cameras, Public Domain.