CHRIS ATTWOOD / YOUR HIDDEN RICHES: Embracing Ritual to Power Success 10/15/14

ConsciousSHIFT with host Julie Ann Turner show

Summary: Most people go through life sleepwalking — they do the same routine every day devoid of meaning or purpose ... and without even realizing it. The simple way to end this cycle, according to Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest Chris Attwood, co-author with his wife Janet Attwood and Sylvia Dvorak, of YOUR HIDDEN RICHES: Unleashing the Power of Ritual to Create a Life of Meaning and Purpose (and the NY Times bestseller, The Passion Test), is by embracing your hidden riches. So, what are your hidden riches? Hidden riches refer to the unique life design that is inside everyone. Chris says the key to discovering these riches is to harness the power of RITUALS, and unlock the treasury where your hidden riches lie. Successful people in every area use rituals, but most don’t talk about them because they’re very personal. Sports stars use rituals to perform at their best. Musicians and artists use them to spark their creativity. Business leaders use them to create cohesive teams and build a company culture. Celebrities use them to maintain a balance between their personal and public lives. Rituals are simply tools, and because tools can be used for good purposes or bad, ‘ritual’ can have a negative connotation. Chris will share that not only can rituals be fun and meaningful, but they’re a time-tested way to manage your time, your energy and your thinking in this fast-paced, sometimes crazy modern world we live in. Rituals can serve us for better Relationships ... Diet, Health, and Beauty ... Creating Wealth ... Seasons of Life ... a Closer Family Circle ... and much more. By structuring conscious, intentional rituals into your life, you ensure your life has balance. You focus on what’s truly meaningful and you create deeper connections with the most important people in your life. Join Julie Ann and Chris to explore how we can reignite the power of personal and community rituals - to sustain us in the midst of an ever-increasing onslaught of information and complexity, and to sustain our world by reawakening the awareness of our interconnection with all life.