The Office of Compline for July 20, 2014

The Compline Service from St. Mark's Cathedral show

Summary: The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost<br> ORISON: The shadows of the evening hours – Joshua Haberman (b. 1982)<br><br> PSALM 73 – Peter R. Hallock (1924–2014)<br><br> HYMN: Te lucis ante terminum (ferial setting) – Plainsong; harm. Thomas Tallis (c. 1505–1585)<br><br> NUNC DIMITTIS – Tyler Morse (b. 1990)<br><br> ANTHEM: Iustus germinabit sicut lilium – Jakob Handl (1550–1591)<br> Director: Jason Anderson<br><br> Readers: Joel Matter, The Very Rev. Steven Thomason (absolution)<br><br> Cantor: Fred McIlroy<br><br> Organist: Bill Turnipseed<br>