You are Only as Successful As Your Beliefs

Wheel of Life Podcast: Business|Productivity|Accountability show

Summary: Are your beliefs supporting your success? The most definitive way to know whether your beliefs are leading to success or disaster is to examine what you say to yourself. Do you typically think to yourself that you will be successful or that there’s no use in trying, because it will never work. The nature of your belief system – positive or negative – will be the single greatest determining factor in your success, so you had better start thinking success. When the negative talk starts swirling in your head, just cancel it out – sweep it out – delete it. Focus on the positive (and what you really want) and remember that your success is completely dependent upon you and you alone. Although you can allow talk from those around you to negatively affect your progress, no one can prevent you from achieving your goals. The determining factor is always and only your ability to hold true to your belief in yourself. There is always a way, so take a “no-excuses” approach to achieving your goals and you will achieve them. The way isn’t necessarily apparent, and if you feel like you’ve hit a roadblock - get creative. You’d be surprised how you can come up with some creative and effective solutions when you think outside the box. The idea is to maintain an element of creativity when coming up with solutions, so you are constantly expanding your belief system. If you get value from these short videos, please take a minute to leave us a short review. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ The Results Accelerator™ anne(at) To help you stay focused and on track to achieving your goals, check out these other high-value resources. - Subscribe to my YouTube channel ( - Subscribe to my Blog ( or Subscribe to my blog on Kindle and receive business success tips - Anne’s Facebook page ( - Anne’s Linked-in page Business professionals and entrepreneurs who utilize Anne Bachrach’s proven business-success systems make more money, work less, and enjoy better work life balance.