JV583 (Myopic and Sodden)

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Summary: MYOPIC (adjective) MYOPIA (noun) 1 short-sightedness. 2 lack of foresight or intellectual insight. 1. being nearsighted--having myopia; 2. lacking foresight or understanding Synonyms: nearsighted, short-sighted, narrow-minded, closed-minded Antonyms: provident Examples: - While the Dutch coach saw the less successful team as being capable of developing future talent, the fans were more myopic, wanting only to win now - Marc’s myopic refusal to act now will undoubtedly cause problems in the future. - The myopic child was reluctant to participate in school because he could not clearly see the blackboard. - The minister had a very myopic vision for the country and he neglected to address future problems like Social Security and Employment. - Jane’s myopic and unimaginative thinking never produced any great ideas for the company. SODDEN (adjective) thoroughly and completely wet, Thoroughly soaked; saturated. Soggy and heavy from improper cooking; doughy. Expressionless, stupid, or dull, especially from drink. Unimaginative; torpid. Synonyms: wet, drenched, soaked, saturated, doused, sopped, steeped Antonyms: dry, parched, arid Examples: - The soccer game was canceled because of the rain; the field was simply too sodden for play. - After the flood, residents had to clean up their sodden homes and belongings. - I got caught in a rainstorm on my way to school, and there was no way to dry my sodden clothes. - After walking though the forest after the rain, my shoes and socks were sodden. - It rained very hard and Mari’s thin coat quickly became sodden.