JV584 (Preclude and Spendthrift)

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Summary: PRECLUDE (verb) 1.    To make impossible, as by action taken in advance; prevent. 2.    To exclude or prevent (someone) from a given condition or activity: to prevent something from happening, especially by action Synonyms: inhibit, cease, discontinue, restrain, impede, interrupt, prevent, Antonyms: allow, permit Examples: -    Hank’s warning will not preclude Andy from making the trip. -    At the meeting, the executives discussed ways to preclude unnecessary lawsuits. -    Harry’s contract precludes him from going to work for a competing company if he quits his job. -    Sally’s age was not a preclusion to her being accepted on the management course. -    The jury members were precluded from discussing the case with family members. SPENDTHRIFT (noun, adjective) ?NOUN: One who spends money recklessly or wastefully. ADJECTIVE: Wasteful or extravagant: spendthrift bureaucrats. Synonyms: (n.) spender, high-roller, squanderer,  (adj.) wasteful, careless, prodigal, profligate, Antonyms: restrained, moderate, prudent, frugal Examples: - Monique was a spendthrift who went shopping everyday and always bought expensive, designer clothes. - Manual is not a spendthrift and he really has to think about his purchases. - spendthrift consumers had amassed a mountain of debt on their credit cards and home loans - The spendthrift was forced to file for bankruptcy because of his huge debts.