SR: Cold in July, Richard Flanagan novel, Dennis Hopper exhibition, Honourable Woman TV, 28 Jun 14

Saturday Review show

Summary: Cold in July is a film starring Michael C Hall set in 1980s America, telling the story of a man who kills an intruder in his home and then begins to think the local police might not be telling the truth about the victim. Richard Flanagan's novel The Narrow Road To The Deep North is a depiction of the appalling conditions endured by Australasian POWs in Japan during World War 2. Dennis Hopper is best known as a unique edgy film actor - Easy Rider, Blue Velvet, The Last Movie and many more, but an exhibition at The Royal Academy in London looks at his photographic work. Maggie Gyllenhaal stars in a TV drama The Honourable Woman, playing a British spy involved in middle east politics. Idomeneus at London's Gate Theatre is a reimagining of the Greek myth about a returning hero who makes a promise to the gods and is then faced with a dreadful ultimatum.