Politics Done Right - Minimum wage, Another Iraq War?

Coffee Party USA Radio show

Summary: This week’??s show Minimum wage, Another Iraq War? August 8th, 2014 The big story this week is our reentry into Iraq. Did the President do the right thing? Is it only America’s responsibility to police the world? Should other countries that depend more on the oil from that region be more engaged? Those are questions that must be answered. The burden of war seemed to be placed more on  Americans than anyone else. But is it our leaders continual intervention that makes that our reality? But before we get into Iraq, I want to talk about the minimum wage debate. This week an unlikely person weighed in with a welcomed position. Joe Scarborough made finally owned up to reality. What are your thoughts? Let’s  talk. I will also be following our hash-tag #PoliticsDoneRight on Twitter. You can also find previous episodes on YouTube here.