Accidental Activist Charles Wheelan, Centrist Project, Lunch w Louden 8-14-14

Coffee Party USA Radio show

Summary: Where do people turn when common sense solutions can’t be seen on the political horizon? Our guest today has a very serious suggestion. As of April this year, Charlie Wheelan became an accidental activist when he realized that the concepts he taught and wrote about needed to move from thoughts and words to deeds. He added The Centrist Manifesto to his list of best sellers, and started the Centrist Project which is principled in fiscal responsibility, environmental responsibility, good governance, social tolerance, economic opportunity AND solving problems.   His plan is simple.   1.  Create a home for moderate voters.   2.  Elect five independent, centrist minded Senators.   Today we’ll talk with Charlie Wheelan about his activism, his books and maybe even a little economics.  After all, he is an economics professor and has written Naked Economics, Undressing the Dismal Science and Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from Data among others.  What’s up with the “naked”?  We’ll ask him on today’s Lunch with Louden.  Won’t you join us?