Politics Done Right - Just another black man executed by police?

Coffee Party USA Radio show

Summary: This week’??s show Just another black man executed by police? August 16th, 2014 Will this be just another black man executed by police or will we finally do something about it? Yesterday Michael Eric Dyson admonished President Obama for a rather neutral statement on theexecution of Michael Brown. Is it time for the President to engage? One of my previous CNN iReport colleagues and friend David J White thinks so. He wrote on one of my posts the following. David J White Even with all the nefarious shit Obama has to endure via the#RacistGOP, he should have further engaged the nation on egregious police brutality on African Americans. Over the period of a month, we’ve witnessed: Black woman being pummeled by a CHIPs officer, a group of #RacistRogueCopsin NYC, choke a man to death, and now the shooting death of an unarmed teen in #Ferguson. The time for #PBO to address RACE is NOW. I few months back I wrote the piece I was Trayvon Martin the day I came to America. It is amazing that all black men still are. What are your thoughts? Let’s  talk. I will also be following our hash-tag #PoliticsDoneRight on Twitter. You can also find previous episodes on YouTube here.