Coffee Party USA Radio show

Summary: Press [1] for Democracy (P1FD) is a Coffee Party Radio show that discusses the political issues of the day in a civil, fact-based, and transpartisan manner.  Transpartisan is quite different from bi- or non-partisan in the we encourage callers to be passionate about their positions, but also that they listen and respond to those with differing points of view repsectfully and with a true desire to find common ground on which solutions can be built.   Tonight on P1FD . . . ... we will be playing an encore of "Gettin America Back to Work". Enjoy!  From the original show: With the exception of a nine month lull, corporate profits have continued to skyrocket since the Crash of ‘08.  Yet for the middle class, not only has “the recovery” been a huge failure, but current trends suggest that things are going to get worse before they get better.  We're drowingn in debt, unemployment is creeping back up towards 8%, and student loans have created a new credit bubble. But wait!  If the “job creators” are getting richer by the minute, where are the good new jobs? The question is, are we just going to take this lying down, or is there something we can do about it? Tonight, bring your ideas on how to create jobs to the Coffee Party's newest Blogtalk Radio show, hosted by political activist Dan Aronson.