Battle at the ballot box - Lunch with Louden 10/2/14

Coffee Party USA Radio show

Summary: Battle at the ballot box: your civil right and civic duty to vote.  In Hong Kong there are tens of thousands of protesters in the streets because their vote has been marginalized by state selection of candidates. Meanwhile, back in the US, citizens are fighting to exercise their civil right and civic duty to vote. In North Carolina there is much to celebrate after a federal court of appeals blocked at least part of the voter suppression law in that state. Reverend Barber from the NAACP Moral Monday Movement spoke to the laws and to a voter misinformation mailer put out by The American Prosperity Foundation, funded primarily by the Koch’s on All In with Chris Hayes yesterday. Your can watch the segment here.  Today is October 2nd, and election day is November 4th, so in every state in the union it is not too late to register to vote. If you wonder what the registration dates are in your state, click here On today’s Lunch with Louden we will discuss the challenge of voting in America, and hope you will call in to discuss your state’s efforts to empower or suppress the vote. LUNCH with LOUDEN Jeanene Louden and co-host Debilyn Molineaux talk about current events and look for opportunities to bridge political divides, expose corruption and share information not covered in mainstream media. They also take the lead in keeping Coffee Parrty members and followers in the loop.