Today’s Good Energy Tip: Share

Honey Help YourSelf show

Summary: Whenever I’m feeling stingy, flat, defeated or dead broke, it’s usually tied to an idea I'm holding about there not being enough to go around. Not enough money, love, time or opportunity, which means I have to keep what little I have to myself and ration it out in dribs and drabs because that’s all there is. Sounds kind of apocalyptic when I put it like that, but that’s exactly how it looks when we pinch life out in tiny increments. Sometimes it’s easy to go there, especially given the fluctuations of our bank accounts, the nature of our fear-based news media and the ongoing sense of competition created in the world around us. Toxic people don’t help much, either. But the truth is, there’s always plenty to go around, even though it’s not always so obvious. As counter-intuitive as it seems, giving of ourselves when it makes the least sense to do so is probably, exactly, the thing we need to get busiest with. If you’re feeling strapped for cash and it’s making you anxious about spending another red cent, give anyway. Even if you don’t have a dollar to offer as a tip at the cafe, or to give to someone in need, give in other ways. Volunteer your time with people who need it. Feeling sad and cut off? Call someone you care about and spend quality time reconnecting by phone if they don’t live close by. Closer to home, try extending yourself to a new group of people. A book club, cooking class, spiritual community—whatever appeals to you. I often write about being the change we seek in the world; it’s more than a notion, this journey through our junk, and Ghandi was on to something big when he said it. Getting out from underneath our old beliefs and miseducation, which keep us stuck, is what will move us into the world with a greater sense of purpose and meaning. One act at a time. Today, when you feel yourself shrinking, hoarding, playing small for safety’s sake, or otherwise sending your energy in the opposite direction of where you want it to go, take a moment to reevaluate. Look for ways to SHARE instead of retreat. Be willing to give instead of skimp. Doing so will open you up to a deeper/higher experience and send a message to your peanut galley—and everyone around you—that sharing really is caring, honey! - - - - - - - You might also like: Today's Good Energy Tip: Hold Today's Good Energy Tip: Arrive If You're Happy, Do You Know It?