PaleoJay’s Smoothie Cafe #81 Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Healthiness

PALEO JAY Smoothie Cafe show

Summary: PaleoJay’s Smoothie Cafe podcast #81-Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of HappinessWhat i’m going to say here will seem very controversial to some of you: BIG, Top-down sorts of solutions to things... NEVER WORK OUT!  I really mean it- NEVER!Ever since the original colonials in the US rebelled from the BIG, top down, high taxing, literally big wigs in England (and powdered wigs at that!), the wholesome, forward thinking self-determination of the individual citizen has been paramount!  The smallholder, the citizen farmer or tradesman, was empowered to self determination- no royalty telling him how to act!  No big government telling him (or her) how to behave... as long as they followed the law, which was determined collectively by the citizens at large, and refereed by the government.  Mostly, by the LOCAL GOVERNMENT.Once things become decided by big, impersonal, largely politically swayed and controlled entities, everything goes against the wishes of the actual, working citizen.What does this have to do with the Paleo Smoothie Cafe?What does this have to do with Health, Fitness, and Nutrition??Everything.  It is BIG GOVERNMENT that has come out with the worthless FOOD PYRAMID, via the Dept. of Agriculture...It is BIG GOVERNMENT via the FDA that tells us we can’t consume raw milk, and pour Amish milk and cream on the ground, by sending out armed SWAT teams to do so...It is BIG FOOD corporations and Grain Cartels, that have the Big Government in their pockets that mandate the mantra, via their paid scientists, that “grains are good, meat and fat is bad”, that runs counter to all recent science...It is BIG PHARMA that still allows advertising of DRUGS on TV, and that funds our medical schools, INDOCTRINATING medical doctors and dieticians in an utterly outdated scientific stance, telling us all, from the top down to “EAT PROCESSED, LOW FAT FOODS AND GRAINS- DON’T EAT REAL FOODS LIKE MEATS, DAIRY, AND VEGETABLES”!Really, when you hear it put that way- isn’t it just obvious that Big is definitely... NOT better?Virtually everything is better on the small, personal scale!YOU can do an experiment of ONE on yourself:  what makes you feel better- eating real foods, real, Paleo, God made foods like pastured meats and dairy, wild caught seafoods, real fats like olive and coconut oil and butter and tallow, and naturally raised vegetables and fruits?Or processed GMO grains, in the form of all sorts of snack foods, breads cakes and pastries, chips fries and breading, mostly fried in a slathering of industrial seed oils ala margarine, corn/cottonseed/peanut/safflower/canola/crisco-whatever crap trans-oil they can squeeze through chemical extraction out of virtually anything!!??Try out both versions for a month or so... You will know, beyond a doubt, within a couple of weeks which is best.  Common sense...Yes, remember Common Sense by Thomas Paine, that helped to ignite our oh so productive Revolution from BIG Government?Society, according to Paine, is everything constructive and good that people join together to accomplish. Government, on the other hand, is an institution whose sole purpose is to protect us from our own vices. Government has its origins in the evil of man and is therefore a necessary evil at best. Paine says that government's sole purpose is to protect life, liberty and property, and that a government should be judged solely on the basis of the extent to which it accomplishes this goal.Wonderfully stated, both back in 1776, and just as well stated NOW. Our government should be dominated by the SMALL governments: local, community governments!  THEY would not presume to tell us what to eat- we all know that they don’t have a clue- we do!  We eat ancestrally- what our grandparents ate, and theirs, and back forever- that’s what to eat- not what some sanctioned bureaucrat decides, after being bribed by industry or Big Government itself to ram down our throats for their own benefit.I guess the bottom