Dr. Andrea Brandt on how "mindful anger" can improve every area of your life

Advice Goddess Radio: Amy Alkon show

Summary: Amy Alkon's Advice Goddess Radio: "Nerd Your Way To A Better Life!" with the best brains in science. Whether you're an anger venter or an anger withholder (or something in between), this is a show for you.  My guest tonight, therapist Dr. Andrea Brandt, writes that “our culture has a built-in phobia of negative emotions,” which isolates us from each other and has myriad unhealthy and counterproductive effects on us personally. Her goal -- in her book, Mindful Anger: a pathway to emotional freedom, and on this show -- is not to help you get rid of your anger but to help you understand and handle it in healthy and constructive ways. You should, in turn, find that this leads to cascading positive effects in every arena of your life.  Join me and all my fascinating guests every Sunday, 7-8 p.m. PT, 10-11 p.m. ET, at blogtalkradio.com/amyalkon or subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher. My show's sponsor is Audible.com. Get a free audiobook download and support this show financially at no cost to you by signing up for a free 30-day trial at audibletrial.com/amya (It's $14.95 after 30 days, but you can cancel before then and have it cost you nothing.) Please order my new book, the science-based and funny "Good Manners For Nice People Who Sometimes Say F*ck," -- only $9.48 at Amazon.