PaleoJay’s Smoothie Cafe #79- Time magazine says to Eat Butter- it’s good for you

PALEO JAY Smoothie Cafe show

Summary: PaleoJay’s Smoothie Cafe #79- Time Magazine Admits that the War on Fat was WRONG!Yes, that’s right- even the mainstream media conduit of Time magazine has come our with their latest cover story that— FAT IS NOT BAD!  (Gasp!)For those of us in Paleoland, this might seem like a no-brainer, like a “duh” moment, but consider this:  90% PLUS of the general population, INCLUDING M.D.’s and other health professionals like NUTRITIONISTS would NOT AGREE!!This is actually quite shocking, since all of the latest science supports the idea that FAT is NOT bad to eat, and that  Sugars and refined carbohydrates are the real cause of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and ALL of the host of modern day degenerative disease and illness!!Actually, that last sentence should be inscribed on a mountaintop, and illuminated night and day like the HOLLYWOOD sign in… well, Hollywood!The cause is that crucial: the health, and the health care system itself in the USA is breaking down.  This is because of the adoption of the low fat hypothesis, spearheaded by Ancel Keyes in the 1960’s, that led us down a path of bad research, cherry-picking of data, and a false conclusion!Ironically, Time Magazine itself trumpeted this “triumph”, back in 1961!!Since then, when Ancel Keyes FALSIFIED his data from a study, and convinced the McGovern commission to back him…WE HAVE GONE FROM A FIT, HEALTHY SOCIETY OF AMERICAN PEOPLE- TO A LAND OF FAT, SICK, UNHEALTHY PEOPLE, UNFIT TO CARRY ON THE LAND OF THE FREE!!Sorry to be so extreme, but this is an extreme CRISIS!  We are looking at 53 years of LIES, FAKE Science, and Mis-information!  This is a travesty, and it MUST be righted, to save us all!“But Jay, but Jay!” I hear you crying- “How can we feed the world with good, pure, God-made food if we don’t have tons and tons of grains?”Thanks for asking, Grasshopper!  The truth of the matter is that: our future is IN OUR PAST!  Small, local, family farms are the BEST way to ensure ample GOOD REAL food for EVERYONE!  Back in the wake of the bad science of Ancel Keyes, the idea of “progress” was to GET BIG OR GET OUT in farming- this was in 1971- Earl Butz was the latest incarnation of Ancel Keyes, and the US Department of Agriculture went from supporting small family farms, to being the agent of their destruction- GET BIG OR GET OUT!  REALLY??Yes, that’s really how it went!  Thomas Jefferson is probably STILL spinning in his grave over that one!And, from those two really bad decisions and conclusions, our family farms, the source of all of our food, and the economy of thousands of small farming communities, HAS BEEN DECIMATED!!Small family farms have DISAPPEARED- destroyed by Federal Government incentives to grow GRAIN crops that were not needed, at the expense of wholesome, nutritious crops like vegetables, fruits, and small and large animals and eggs…The DIVERSITY of these small farms has been wiped-out, since competition from giant, corporate owned CAFO or confined animal feeding operations has been subsidized by the Federal Government by them offering grain subsidies to operations that grow GRAINS, and even subsidies to giant farms that DON’T GROW GRAINS (SO THE PRICE IS ARTIFICIALLY HIGHER!)…What do we need to escape this catastrophe?  Simple- like in most of life!  Less; MUCH less GOVERNMENT!Free markets- NO grain subsidies, i.e. taxpayer money going to pay giant corporate farmers to grow grain that no one needs or should even eat!This ONE simple thing would give the incentive to farmers to grow real, God-made, nutritious foods; foods like broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, lentils, lettuce, raspberries, spinach, avocados, strawberries- the list goes on and on and on- AND NOT GRAINS!!How much would that change the world?Suddenly, Young people could MAKE A LIVING FARMING ON A SMALL SCALE!  They could raise real, nutritious, God-made foods, and raise cattle and chickens and eggs and pastured pork and raw milk and butter a