#75 – Cigar City Hopped On The High Seas (Calypso) and Old 97′s

1 Beer 1 Song show

Summary: Everyone loves IPA. Everyone loves canned beer. Everyone loves Cigar City Brewing. BOOM! We have all three. Specifically, the 6th installment of the Hopped On The High Seas series, this one with Calypso hops. We also listen to a track of the forthcoming Old 97's album Most Messed Up. It comes out on 4/29, though digital downloads are available starting 4/25. Give the Old 97's all of your money because they deserve it more than you. I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge two egregious errors I made on this episode. We're certainly no sticklers for "facts," but these were bad enough to warrant corrections: 1. I mention that Lion Stout is brewed somewhere in the Caribbean. This was just a test, naturally, because EVERYONE knows Lion Stout is brewed in Biyagama, Sri Lanka, DUH. 2. I mention that the contract brewing network Cigar City recently signed with is called Interbrew, LIKE A DUMBASS, because everyone knows that particular contract brewing network is called The Brew Hub. (Interbrew is the Belgian brewing conglomerate that acquired AB in 2008 resulting in the multi-national dumpster fire called AB InBev.