The Agreements We Make with Ourselves

The Psychic Viewpoint show

Summary: Maryann will be talking this week about the stories we tell ourselves!  They become what we agree we are and we accept those agreements as our truth, be the agreements positive or negative.  Usually these agreements start with two of the most powerful words in the English language: "I AM."  What we say after these words are what we come to believe about us.  How careful are we with what words we use after I AM?  Staying aware allows us to realize what we tell ourselves and helps us stop the negative I AM statements to replace them with positive statements and agreements. Melony Gingery, owner of Melony's Menagerie, will be joining Maryann as her guest.  Melony will be sharing her story about recreating her agreements and starting a crafts and jewelry business that has grown very quickly.  All is took was making new agreements with herself and being able to state "I AM an artist!" The show is sponsored by Rosalea of The Psychic Meeting Place at Maryann is a member of PMP and takes calls and appointments for readings. She will be accepting calls the last hour of the show for short tarot readings. The call in number is 1(714)888-7516. *The opinions expressed by the guests are for entertainment purposes only and those guests providing comments are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Psychic Viewpoint Show or its host.*