Land O'Lakers Podcast: Who replaces Mike D'Antoni? K.D., Kobe Bryant, and hoops psychology, plus Sterlings! | Web Site of Andy and Brian Kamenetzky | The Los Angeles Lakers, NBA, and Anything  show

Summary: The NBA has been a busy place since we last recorded, and not just because of the playoffs. Donald Sterling has been banished by the NBA, and Mike D'Antoni banished himself, perhaps before the Lakers could do it for him. Meanwhile, Kevin Durant not only set the Mother's Day bar at an impossibly high level for the rest of us with his Instant Classic MVP speech, he seemed to reveal a changing dynamic in the nature of NBA "alpha dogs." So plenty to talk about, for sure. Click on the module to listen, and use these handy talking points as a guide: * We kick off our headlines with all things Sterling. First, in another recording, this time picked up by Radar Online, Donald Sterling says he's not a racist. He also says he said that stuff in the TMZ tape because he wanted to "play" with V. Stiviano ( And we don't mean checkers. (Ewww....) Not to be outdone, Shelly Sterling made it clear she's not letting go of the team without a fight. Is this a money grab or a problem that will fester for the NBA going forward? * Andrew Bynum is officially done for the year. Is he also done for good? * D'Antoni is gone. Why picking a replacement isn't simply a matter of finding a coach with an attractive style of play. Can the Lakers really identify the best candidate when the roster is nearly guaranteed to turn over substantially in each of the next three seasons? * Has the nature of the NBA alpha dog changed? Is The Kobe Way the only way? What does the Kobification of L.A. over the last (almost) two decades mean for the superstar who follows Bryant with the Lakers? * AAK! We share our ultimate podcast guests, living and dead.