Interview #55 – Richard Barcellos – The Family Tree of Reformed Biblical Theology [Audio Podcast]

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Summary: Dr. Richard Barcellos The Family Tree of Reformed Biblical Theology: Geerhardus Vos and John Owen, Their Methods of and Contributions to the Articulation of Redemptive History by Richard C Barcellos [ AMZ $29 | RBAP $16 | WTS $29 ]   “The thesis of this study is that Geerhardus Vos’ biblical-theological method should be viewed as a post-Enlightenment continuation of the pre-critical federal theology of seventeenth-century Reformed orthodoxy.” - Richard Barcellos On episode 55 of our interview podcast we are replaying an interview from ReformedCast. Why? Because ReformedCast is, “discontinuing operations effective June 15, 2014. All MP3s will be removed at that time.” We didn’t want these resources to disappear off the Internet so we asked the ReformedCast host, Scott Oakland, if we could republish the interviews he conducted over the past several years that fit our site/podcast scope. He graciously agreed! So, here is the first, fitting, replay (we’ll add onto these every now and then throughout the year.) From his January 31, 2011 post on this interview: We will be joined by Dr. Richard Barcellos, and we’ll discuss his book “The Family Tree of Reformed Biblical Theology“. Dr. Barcellos received a B.S. from California State University, Fresno, an M.Div. from The Master’s Seminary, and a Th.M. and Ph.D. from Whitefield Theological Seminary. In 1990 he planted a church in Southern California and pastored there until July of 2006, when he relocated to Owensboro, KY, and is now a member of the Board of Directors at  Midwest Center for Theological Studies. He is the managing editor of Reformed Baptist Theological Review (RBTR), author of In Defense of the Decalogue, and co-author of A Reformed Baptist Manifesto. He has also contributed articles to RBTR, Founders Journal, and Table Talk. Professor Barcellos is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and one of the pastors of Heritage Baptist Church of Owensboro, Kentucky. Note: Since this is an old episode some of the information above and in the podcast is old as well. He is now pastor of Grace Reformed Baptist Church in Palmdale, CA. and RBTR has ceased (but  we now have JIRBS.) Subscribe to the podcast in a RSS reader, iTunes, Stitcher or by Email. LINKAGE: by John Owen: Complete Works of John Owen, 16 Volume Set Epistle to the Hebrews, 7 Volume Set Biblical Theology John Owen: Reformed Catholic, Renaissance Man (Great Theologians) by Carl R. Trueman Sinclair B. Ferguson on John Owen Books by Geerhardus Vos A Quest for Godliness: The Puritan Vision of the Christian Life by J. I. Packer Last Things First: Unlocking Genesis with the Christ of Eschatology by J. V. Fesko POST-INTERVIEW MUSIC: A Debtor to Mercy Alone | Words: Augustus Toplady (1771) | Music: Kevin Twit (1998) Related archived posts: Interview #4: Richard Barcellos – Better Than The Beginning: Creation in Biblical Perspective (1 of 2) + Book Giveaway On episode four of our podcast, we begin a two... Interview #5: Richard Barcellos – Better Than The Beginning: Creation in Biblical Perspective (2 of 2) + Book Giveaway On episode five of our podcast, we finish up our... Interview #46 – Jeff Johnson – The Kingdom of God: A Baptist Expression of Covenant & Biblical Theology On episode 46 of our interview podcast, we interview Je […]... Related archived posts: Interview #4: Richard Barcellos – Better Than The Beginning: Creation in Biblical Perspective (1 of 2) + Book Giveaway On episode four of our podcast, we begin a two... Interview #5: Richard Barcellos – Better Than The Beginning: Creation in Biblical Perspective (2 of 2) + Book Giveaway On episode five of our podcast, we finish up our... Interview #46 – Jeff Johnson – The Kingdom of God: A Baptist Expression of Covenant & Biblical Theology On episode 46 of our interview podcast, we interview J[...]