Jodi Johnson Action Coach!


Summary: Here’s how today’s guest Jody Johnson, caught my attention:  she sent me  a marketing email which reads: Have you planned your summer vacation yet? Why not? Is it because business is keeping you busy? Being a business owner is more than owning your own business. It's having the freedom to go on vacation with your family and having your business run without you. Jody Johnson is Founder and Co-Owner of Action Coach, a business coaching program designed to help smaller businesses achieve significant growth by understanding and managing  people, strategy, execution and cash flow.  By helping businesses identify these points of leverage, clients routinely double or triple their revenues – even during economic downturns. Together with her partner, Douglas Barra, Jody has a vision for her organization– to transform the economic landscape of Florida by helping small businesses succeed – and dedicates her time, energy, and passion to helping business owners prosper. Do you have the freedom to go on vacation and have you business run without you? Jody has some ideas…