[V] Weekly Tournament Report 4.29.14

Team Covenant show

Summary: In this weeks weekly tournament report Zach and Steven discuss all of the store's weekly events, and they will also discuss our monthly Infinity and X-Wing tournaments!   Star Wars LCG This week our Star Wars LCG tournament winner was Kendall Bright. Kendall was running a "Super Friends" deck for his Light Side deck. It was running Questionable Contacts, Wookiee Life Debt, The False Report, and Against All Odds. His Dark Side deck was a "Scum Tactics" deck that included the Lucrative Contracts, Jabba, and Zuckuss. The key thing that led to his victory was the Corrupt Official. It ruined many days that day. He learned that he needed to mulligan aggressively as the Light Side. Kendall wanted to give shout outs to Zach, Dennis, and everyone of the local players that come every week. "No, no quote.” Netrunner This week our weekly Netrunner winner was Tim Bunn. Tim was running Gabriel Santiago for his Runner, and he was running Making News for his Corporation. His Gabriel deck ran R&D Interface, Account Siphon, Vamp, Same Old Thing, and the other Criminal tricks. His NBN deck was running Ash[numbersandletters], Red Herrings, RSVP, and NAPD Contracts. The key things that led to his victory was getting all of the money in his Gabriel deck and then Vamping the Corporations money away. Astroscript was also key in Tim's victory. Tim learned that Account Siphon is still really good. Vamp is also really good. Tim gave shout outs to Joe Freeman for talking shop and Justen Reddick and Bruggles for playtesting with him. “I peed in it.” Game of Thrones Chris Kizer was our weekly Game of Thrones winner. Chris was running a Targaryen Dothraki no agenda deck. It relied heavily on the Dothraki Vanguard and the Braided Screamers. The key things that led to his victory were card advantage and Fear of Winter. Chris is on record stating "I need more intrigue icons." Chris wanted to give shout outs to Steven for talking crap on the last weeks tournament report and to Sean for an awesome game! Infinity Monthly Tournament This past week was our monthly Infinity tournament. Our winner was Josh Farmer. Josh was running Tohaa as his faction of choice. Josh scored a total of 23 objective points over the course of the tournament. He was using a total of three triads and brutalized his opponents. Some of the key things that led to his victory were familiarity with the factions and rules and having one additional burst in his reactive turns. X-Wing Monthly Tournament This past week was our monthly X-Wing monthly tournament. The winner of the day was Branden Sprenger. Branden was running four Sabre Squadron Interceptors all with Push the Limit and two with Target Lock Mods. The key thing to Brandens victory was sheer fire power, lucky dice, and creative maneuvering. Branden learned that Interceptors are not as squishy as he thought they were. He also learned that the Interceptors were more agile than he knew. "Play more games!" Upcoming Events Below is our event schedule for the week, all of which you can watch live on TCTV. 6:30 – 10:00 pm Tuesday – Star Wars LCG 6:30 - 10:00 pm Wednesday – Netrunner LCG 6:30 - 10:00 pm Thursday – Game of Thrones LCG 6:30 - 10:00 pm Friday – LCG league night (various LCG games on stream) 11:00 am – 3:00 pm Saturday – AGOT LCG Monthly Tournament Summer League Standings Game of Thrones 1. Matt Phillips  – 106 points 2. Chris Kizer – 63 points 3. Aaron Settles – 55 points 4. Ben Ruggles – 53 points 5. Jacob Kern – 49 points Netrunner 1. Sam Southard – 86 points 2. Joe Freeman – 75 points 3. Hank Loyd – 57 points 4. Kendall Bright – 54 points 5. Tim Bunn – 52 points Star Wars 1. Zach Bunn – 69 points 2. Dennis Harlien – 68 points 3. Kendall Bright – 55 points 4. Jesse Eakins – 49 points 5. Joe Freeman – 47 points Infinity 1. Rick Harrelson – 35 points 2. Steffan Garrett – 25 points 3. James Salyers – 23 points 4. Tim Bunn – 18 points 5.