Truth or Fiction: The Truth Seeker with A Course in Miracles Lessons 103-116

EFT Radio  show

Summary: Can the truth be sad, ugly, cruel or hurt us?  For some of us, truth is what we least want to hear. It is the bearer of “bad” news. We fear it because it tells us that reality is not as we wish it to be. We want reality to conform to our desires, expectations and dreams that we so tirelessly work to accomplish.  We want to believe that we are on our own and that our ego thinking has the power to change truth/reality because we have judged it lacking. Our wishes speak loudly to us and the truth seeker must question their illusory superiority to recognize they are but fiction. Today we join Eloisa Ramos, EFT Master, as we attempt to distinguish between the Voice of truth and the ego’s voice and undo the fear of truth. “If you will lay aside the ego’s voice, however, loudly it may seem to call; If you will not accept its petty gifts that give you nothing that you really want; If you will listen with an open mind, that has not told you what salvation is; then you will hear the mighty Voice of truth, quiet in power, strong in stillness and completely certain in Its messages…Hear and be silent…He comes with miracles a thousand times as happy and as wonderful as those you ever dreamed or wished for in your dreams.” Lesson 106 of ACIM. For more information about Eloisa Ramos, to download a free chart of The Ramos Clearing Technique or to order her book, Beyond Self-esteem: Discovering Your Boundless Self-worth visit