Mastering Facebook Advertising in 2014

Internet Marketing Magazine show

Summary: Greg: Keith Kranc is a world-famous Facebook advertising expert. He is currently co-authoring The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising with Perry Marshall. Keith runs the agency Dominate Web Media to help businesses to effectively use social media marketing, video marketing, Facebook advertising, mobile marketing and other cutting-edge, Internet marketing strategies to grow their businesses and their brand. It is with great pleasure that I say, "Welcome to the call, Keith." Keith: Hey, thanks, Greg, it's a great pleasure to join you today. Greg: Absolutely. We met each other at a James Shrempko [00:08:00] gig in Australia and I've been following your stuff especially over the last year. I know you are doing a lot of really clever stuff online, and a lot of people know you in this Facebook space. You've got a very similar background as me with running an agency, which I think is great, because you learn from a lot of different businesses and it can make you very strong. Can you share a bit of your story, especially with what you've been up to over the last year or so? Keith: Sure. Before I was into the whole Internet marketing space, I used to own several, different, local businesses, part of two different franchises. When I started really digging into the Internet marketing space a few years back, when I fell into the whole Facebook advertising thing, I fell in love with it right off the bat. I didn't realize why until recently. It was because we would do a lot of traditional advertising and marketing like direct mail, Val Pac, the money mailer things... We would do some billboard stuff, local T.V. and radio. We would typically spend $10,000 a month on a billboard on an okay road. On a fairly busy road, you can spend much more than that. When I really started to get into direct response marketing while in the Internet marketing world. I was like, "Wow, are you kidding me? We can put up a billboard to our exact, ideal audience for free, basically setting that up." It's kind of like having a billboard and not paying that $10,000 to set up, and it's more like a digital billboard where it wouldn't display to all the cars. It would only display to the cars in your exact, ideal, target audience and people that liked your specific interest that your audience liked. That's what really drew me in, I think. Looking back now, I know it is. I just went all-in and learned everything I could, buying every single course. Greg: That's very clever, because that's what the Facebook news feed is like, isn't it? Keith: Yes, and I never really tried to coin myself as a social media guru, because I just didn't have the time to go do that and spend a lot of time networking on Facebook. For me, the internet marketing was a new venture, and I love the feeling of looking at a client and saying, "Hey, we can get you new customers tomorrow." I was doing video marketing, search engine optimization and those types of things, but like I said, my background of traditional business was when I saw Facebook ads, it was like, "Bam." Holy moly. 90% of your customers are typically not searching for something. They might be interested if they knew more about it. We can do that with Facebook now for so inexpensively. You can get your message, as long as you have the right message and process, which we can talk about in this interview… that's a lot of the big mistakes that people make, doing things like trying to sell too quickly. That got me to fall in love with it, so I started learning everything I could, buying every course, and the next thing you know, two-and-a-half years later, I wrote a self-published book called The Complete Guide to Facebook Advertising, which I don't promote anymore, because it's so outdated. It's like three years old. That book landed me one big client which ended up landing me a few other clients, and a long story short, he started telling other people in his circle, which was a pretty high-level circle,