Science writer Peg Streep on overcoming the legacy of a mean mother

Advice Goddess Radio: Amy Alkon show

Summary: Amy Alkon's Advice Goddess Radio: "Nerd Your Way To A Better Life!" with the best brains in science. I’ve written that family are people who treat you like family. Sometimes, sadly, one's mother -- the closest familial relation a person can have -- isn’t included in that group. Mother’s Day is a tough holiday for some people -- for those whose mothers have died and for those whose mothers were far from the loving, nurturing protectors that others’ mothers seem to be. Peg Streep, herself the daughter of mean mother, is my guest tonight -- here to talk about her book, Mean Mothers: Overcoming the Legacy of Hurt. She'll explain why it’s been taboo to even let on that you have a cold, unloving mother as well as how such a mother shapes children, and especially daughters, in negative ways. However, she’ll also show us the ways out: How she and other daughters of mean mothers have managed to find, believe it or not, the positives in their experience; and how they can go forward, both as more psychologically healthy human beings and as good mothers to their own children.  Join me and all my fascinating guests every Sunday, 7-8 p.m. PT, 10-11 p.m. ET, at or subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher. My show's sponsor is Get a free audiobook download and support this show financially at no cost to you by signing up for a free 30-day trial at (It's $14.95 after 30 days, but you can cancel before then and have it cost you nothing.) Preorder my upcoming book, "Good Manners For Nice People Who Sometimes Say F*ck." (St. Martin's Press, June 3, 2014.)