Strength Training for Women / Tax Tips for Caregivers

Prime Time Radio - AARP show

Summary: Part A:Strength training sculpts the body by building lean body mass, strengthens bones and increases metabolism. As a result, energy levels increase making you mentally sharper, feel more youthful and healthy. Joan Pagano explains simple ways to add strength training to your exercise regimen and achieve that flatter belly, toned arms or firmer thighs, so you’ll look great in a little black dress or shorts you haven't even considered wearing in years. Pagano adds that the benefits go far beyond all of that, lower stress levels and increased mobility mean you can be more independent and self-reliant.Part B:The tax season always brings with it many questions and lots of stress for most people. Joe Buckheit, president of has many tips for caregivers that will help them find many breaks that they may not be aware of, such as, the ins and outs of claiming a live-in parent as a dependent. He also explains what medical expenses can be claimed and takes on many other frequently asked questions. Bonnie Speedy, overseer of the AARP Tax-Aide Program explains how to get free personal help with you taxes at your local AARP office.