Episode 123 – Sylvie di Giusto – Professional Image

Reality Check with Craig Price show

Summary: Sylvie di Giusto (<a href="http://twitter.com/sylvie_digiusto">@sylvie_digiusto</a> on twitter) joins host <a title="Craig Price – The Host" href="http://realitycheck.therealistsguide.com/craig-price/">Craig Price</a> to discuss professional image. If you're like Craig, hearing the term "image consultant" makes you think of executive make-overs and suit fittings with strange old men running measuring tapes into your crotch. But there is more to a professional image than just clothes. Sylvie and Craig talk about how you present yourself digitally, in person as well as socially. It's not just looking good, but acting good and being perceived as a professional all while still being authentic to who you are. They also discuss the casualization (is that a word?) in the work place. Not just in appearance but in attitude as well. This image stuff is all pretty foreign to a jeans and ballcap guy like Craig but having the appropriate image at the proper time and proper position in the workplace is a reality of life and Sylvie offers some great advice. You can learn more about Sylvie at <a href="http://www.executive-image-consulting.com">www.executive-image-consulting.com</a>