Episode 124 – Don Cooper – Pricing

Reality Check with Craig Price show

Summary: Don Cooper (<a href="http://twitter.com/DonCooper">@DonCooper</a> on twitter) joins host <a title="Craig Price – The Host" href="http://realitycheck.therealistsguide.com/craig-price/">Craig Price</a> to discuss pricing. Figuring out how much to charge, when to increase or decrease fees or even when to discount fees can be a challenge for many. Often, in a services environment where competitors fees are rarely publicized, it can be difficult to balance getting what you are worth with what customers are willing to pay. Often people judge you by your price. Too low and you must not be worth the money, too high and you're out of their budgets. Don helps Craig navigate through the maze and offers great tips on why you shouldn't discount your fees, should you be the best bargain in an industry or should your fee reflect your expertise and results.  The two also talk about the emotional side of increasing fees. It can be a scary proposition for many who don't want to price themselves out of their market. If you are a professional speaker, this is a great listen! Don Cooper can be found at the self titled  <a href="http://www.DonCooper.com">http://www.DonCooper.com</a>