JDB 059: The Power of Starting Something Stupid with Author Richie Norton

JDBlogger  |  Legal Marketing  |  Blogging  |  Podcasting  | Social Media for Lawyers and Attorney Entrepreneurs - John Skiba show

Summary: Things have been a bit hectic this week - couple of trials and my legal assistant out on vacation (I know, good planing on my part!).  And because of that I thought I would bring back one of my favorite interviews from 2013 - my interview with author/speaker Richie Norton.  This interview was initially released in March 2013, right after Richie had just released his new book "The Power of Starting Something Stupid". I thought the book and interview with Richie was perfect for the solo entrepreneurial-minded lawyer.  Too often lawyers fall into the same mold of every other lawyer around them.  Richie's book can give you the motivation to think about taking a different path and examples of how those who do often set the trends in an industry. Richie's book has a lot of great take-aways, but here is one of my favorite quotes from page 11 - "People wait until...until...until...They wait, and they wait, and they wait, until that fateful day when they wake up and realize that while they were sitting around, paying dues, earning their keep, waiting for that elusive "perfect time," their entire life has based them by...Their is no greater time than now to start moving toward achieving your goals.  Don't wait. Start stuff."