Bring Out The Violin My Laptop Died

The Alecia Lawrence Show |I Live To Inspire | What Is Motivation| Inspiring Words | Define Motivation show

Summary: I learned the biggest lesson the day my computer died. As much as the siren song of rage against the computer technician called to me. I was able to pull myself back from the brink and keep focused on the best outcome. This saga with my laptop... que the violin... has been ongoing for over 2 months. With a combined 12 hours on the phone with customer service. I value my time so its a no brainer when something is off with my laptop.... ... the desire to spend anymore of my time on the phone with customer service is drastically reduced as long as I can record and send my podcast out to you. Honestly... if only I could get a refund for the time spent on the phone with them. Don't we all wish that was possible. I got the blue screen of death one of the biggest days in my business... the launch of my first product. Its OK, there were no tears, no hysterical laughter or depression although a half bottle of champagne from the launch party, mysteriously did not survive... sadly. Why do this podcast today? I thought it would be great to share one of my real life experiences and the things I struggle with when it comes to living consciously and know that everything that happens is the part of a greater good. The other main message is of deep heartfelt appreciation as things could have definitely been worst. Are you able to find that place of appreciation when faced with challenges? I understand how difficult it may be and you will definitely find this message valuable. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia P.S. Please note not computer technician or customer service agent were hurt in the recording of this podcast :)