Savage Love Episode 370

Savage Lovecast show

Summary: <p class="p1">A man and his wife have agreed to divorce. But they have to keep living together for 3 more months. Would it be shabby to start sleeping with the hot gal that lives down the block? </p> <p class="p2">An 18 year old girl is engaged to be married to a man who she already knows to be sexually incompatible with her. So what's the problem?</p> <p class="p2">Dan chats with Dr. David Sarwer about libido changes following weight-loss surgery. </p> <p class="p2">In Magnum-land, a couple embarking on an open relationship disagree on who to tell and how to tell about their new, scandalous status. </p> <p class="p2">And, you're going to want to gather 'round the Thanksgiving table with your entire family and listen to the tale of a woman who went a-snooping and discovered that her sister is in a sugar-baby/sugar daddy relationship. Dan chats with the PR lass at a sugar daddy website about how wholesome and innocent this arrangement must truly be. </p> <p class="p2">It warms the heart. </p> <p></p> <p class="p1">206-201-2720</p> <p class="p1">This episode is sponsored by Go buy something, and be sure to  enter SAVAGEBLACKFRIDAY at checkout.</p>