Episode 85: Book Releases and Health Strategies

The Paleo View show

Summary: Our eighty-fifth show! Ep. 85, Book Releases and Health Strategies In this episode of The Paleo View, Sarah and Stacy chat about their soon to be released books, The Paleo Approach Cookbook (8/14) and Real Life Paleo (11/14), and what fans can expect from these new books. The hosts also share on where their health is at, especially given all that they have been doing as of late, and what they are doing to impact their overall wellness goals. The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 85, Book Releases and Health Strategies 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News Views Real Life Paleo is officially public and will be in folks hands November 2014 This is definitely more than a cookbook, it is 368 pages in size It will be broken down into sections and assumes that folks have already made the decision to go paleo, but need some guidance on what that actually means All the things that people love about 3 Phase Paleo will be expanded on, complete with tear out guides The book will also show people how to assemble meals, and specifically how to replace staples from their non-paleo days Check out the announcement and sneak peeks here - please be sure to share your feedback and speak up about what you want covered in this book There are 200 recipes in the outline currently, but they will likely cut it down to 175 Amy is knocking the photos out of park and the book looks absolutely gorgeous Sarah notes that this is so much more than a cookbook, it is a resource book A week or two after this podcast airs, the Paleo Parents will allow folks to get involved with the recipe testing process, which will be a random selection process The Paleo Approach Cookbook is due this week to the publisher and will be officially out in August Sarah has been nose to the grindstone the past couple of weeks to get this book done Late last week Sarah hit the point where she began to really like the form the cookbook was taking Sarah reflected on the production of The Paleo Approach and why she decided to separate the cookbook from the scientific literature that is provided in The Paleo Approach There will be a summary of the rules from The Paleo Approach, but there is none of the detailed science, and it is very practical and how-to It will make for a great companion book, but will also help those who are overwhelmed by the science The Paleo Approach is the why and the cookbook is the how There are loads of offal recipes and will offer more than any other paleo cookbook There will also be a lot of basic recipes in there - in total there will roughly be 175 This is truly its own book and not just the recipes that go with The Paleo Approach There are details on where to get food, how to do it on a budget, how to store food, basic cooking techniques There are also expanded food lists from The Paleo Approach Stacy points out that the recipe list, dishes that have been turned into AIP friendly creations, are impressive, especially the desserts Sarah feels that eating variety is key in healing and that has been built into the array of recipes Everything from comfort foods to ethnic dishes will be found in this book - and there are quick creations all the way to gourmet recipes featured Be sure to pre-order these books so that you not only get the lowest price possible, but also are guaranteed a copy from the first print batch 22:42 - Science with Sarah In recent months Stacy found out that her mom has selective IGA deficiency, which is why her celiac disease hit her so hard Stacy reached out to Sarah wanting to learn more about it, if she might have it and why broth makes her feel so good There are five different antibodies cells that the human body makes and each have slightly different roles Sarah covered the five antibodies in greater detail They all play a very critical part in our resistance to infections because they are such an important part of the gut immune system Having a deficiency in IGA antibodies is not a good thing, there are tw