45: Yanking on a cat's tail is the only way to learn

Embedded show

Summary: David Anders (Google+) joined Elecia to chat about open source hardware, what it means, how to do it, and why. Dave will be speaking at the embedded Linux conference in San Jose, CA on April 30th: 9:00am: Panel: IoT and the Role of Embedded Linux and Android 4:20pm: Hardware Debugging Tools 5:20pm: Debugging - Panel Discussion Open Source Hardware Association describes the gradient of open source hardware. Sigrok looks at open source and open source friendly tools Dave works for CircuitCo, manufacturers of the mysteriously elusive BeagleBone Black. While he didn't explain their absence (other than they are super popular for OEM'ing), he did announce the brand new Intel-based MinnowBoard MAX. Some open source tools we discussed included Tin Can Tool's 40 pin DIP Linux processor, Flyswatter, and Flyswatter 2. Also, check out Dave's past eLinux presentations.