Simple Past: Verb To be – El Pasado de ser/estar

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Summary: LECCION 15 Curso BASICO ELEMENTAL - GRAMATICABienvenidos a la leccíon 15. Recuerden que para bajar los audios a su PC HACER CLICK DERECHO SOBRE "Download" y "Guardar Vínculo como" o " Save link as"This is lesson 15. Today we will look at the Simple Past tense with the verb to be. We are half way through the basic level course. Thank you for all your support!Vamos a estudiar por primera vez el pasado (pretérito indefinido en español) con el verbo to be (ser / estar) Es muy parecido al presente asi que como referencia tomare las clases anteriores. The Simple Past Tense (with the verb to be) Similar to the Present simple tense, The simple past is divided in two main parts. The form with the "to be" and with "other verbs"Quiero que quede claro que esta regla que vamos a aprender a continuación es solo para las conjugaciones del verbo ser y estar. Si utilizan otros verbos llevará otra forma. Es muy similar al "Present Tense" Si recuerdan bien, con los verbos to be la regla era distinta que con los demas verbos. Por favor si esto no esta claro visiten las siguientes lecciones: Forma del PRESENT TENSE (VERBO TO BE) - LECCION 2 : The present tenes Verb To be (Positive and Negative) - LECCION 3 : The present tense Verb To be (Question form)Forma del PRESENT TENSE (Other Verbs) - LECCION 10a : The present simple tense OTHER VERBS (Positive) - LECCION 10b : The present simple tense OTHER VERBS (negative form and questions) Let's remember the Simple Present Tense with the verb to beFIGURA 1It is quite simple. We DO NOT use auxiliaries (do, does, don't and doesn't) To form the negative we just add the "not" and for questions we just switch the SUBJECT and the VERB TO BE.We do EXACTLY THE SAME with the Past Simple tense: PLEASE LOOK AT THE FIGURE: FIGURA 2 - LA FORMA "SIMPLE PAST TENSE" - VERB TO BE (WAS / WERE)In present tense we used: Am / Is / AreNOW IN PAST TENSE WE USE ONLY 2 CONJUGATIONS! >>> WAS & WERE I/He / she / it --- was (Positive) Wasn't (Negative) we / you / They--- were (Positive) Weren't (Negative)Short Answers Look at the next table. This is how we answer yes/no questionsLet's PracticeHomeworkNotas del profesor: Como vemos, el Simple Past Tense con los verbos to be es casi igual al Simple Present tense son el verbo to be. La diferencia es que en vez de usar las conjugaciones "AM/IS/ARE" vamos a utilizar "WAS/WERE".* FIGURAS Y EJERCICIOS DE GRAMMAR IN USE  (Cambridge) Grammar practice (LONGMAN)