Leccion de Simple Past Tense en ingles- Gramatica

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Summary: Curso BASICO deINGLES LECCION 16a - GRAMATICA (PAST SIMPLE - POSITIVE FORM) Recuerden que para bajar las lecciones a sus reproductores es necesario hacer click derecho sobre download y guardar vinculo como o save link as. NO SE OLVIDEN DE MANDAR SUS AUDIOS PARA PONERLO EN LAS GRABACIONES (MANDEN SALUDOS, PREGUNTAS, COMENTARIOS Y PARTICIPEN)Esta leccion esta dividida en 2 partes (a y b) y va a enseñar como construir oraciones en el PAST TENSE con los otros verbos (Verbos que no son "to be"; es decir que no sean del verbo ser o estar) ---- Letras de la CANCION A CONTINUACION: LETRAS DE LA CANCION "EVERYTHING CHANGES" DE STAINDIf you just walked away What could I really say? Would it matter anyway? Would it change how you feel? I am the mess you chose The closet you cannot close The devil in you I suppose Cause the wounds never heal But everything changes If I could Turn back the years If you could Learn to forgive me Then I could learn to feel Sometimes the things I say In moments of disarray Succumbing to the games we play To make sure that it's real But everything changes If I could Turn back the years If you could Learn to forgive me Then I could learn to feel When it's just me and you Who knows what we could do If we can just make it through The toughest part of the day But everything changes If I could Turn back the years If you could Learn to forgive me Then I could Learn how to feel Then we could Stay here together And we could Conquer the world If we could Say that forever Is more than just a word If you just walked away What could I really say? And would it matter anyway? It wouldn't change how you feelThe Simple past tense en INGLESSyntax (POSITIVE FORM): I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + VERB (PAST FORM) + Complement ESTO QUIERE DECIR QUE PARA TODAS LAS PERSONAS HAY UNA SOLO CONJUGACION . Lo único que hay que aprender es a formar esta conjugación. Esto depende si es REGULAR o IRREGULAR verb. The verb in the past simple form can be REGULAR or IRREGULAR Regular Verbs:To from the irregular from we need to add "ed" to the infinitive form. For example: to watch -> watched | to talk -> talked | to wash -> washed (FIGURA 1)REGLAS DE DELETREOPRACTICE (Regular verb spelling) - FIGURA 2EXAMPLES: NO IMPORTA CUAL ES EL SUJETO: SIEMPRE LLEVARA LA MISMA CONJUGACION1) Maria played soccer last week. 2) Pedro and Juan watched TV yesterday 3) We studied for the test but we all failed. 4) They talked on the phone for two hours last night.Irregular verbsThe past forms of the irregular forms DO NOT end in "-ed". They have different forms and we need to learn them gradually. Here is a list to begin with: (FIGURA 3)Exercises : ASI SEA REGULAR O IRREGULAR TODAS LAS PERSONAS LLEVARAN LA MISMA CONJUGACION1) We went to the movies last weekend 2) They were hungry and ate the whole chicken. 3) She went to the mall and spent a lot of money. 4) Diego got up very late. 5) I came home early yesterday.PRACTICE del Simple Past Tense en INGLESLet's Practice Complete the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in the past simple tense Homework (Tarea)CONCLUSION Hemos aprendido la forma del SIMPLE PAST con los demas verbos (que no son to be) pero solo en la forma affirmativa.RECUERDEN:* FIGURAS Y EJERCICIOS DE GRAMMAR IN USE  (Cambridge) Grammar practice (LONGMAN)